Challenge of Empathy

I've been reflecting on the realization that none of us can truly understand another person's pain. Essentially, our reactions to situations are molded by the layers of our past—a lens created from our history and experiences that no one else can completely comprehend.

Your pain is as unknown to me as mine is to you. We each possess depths, etched by our own histories, that complicate our ability to fully understand each other. It's not about seeing someone as overly dramatic; rather, it’s about recognizing how their past shapes their reactions.

Find Your Peace

Everyone is unique, and among all the people I know, there are countless perspectives on where peace can be found. I have come to believe that it's essential to discover your own special place of peace.

It's important to recognize that what brings you peace might seem mundane or even stressful to others. Embrace your peaceful haven and encourage others to find their own.

Hidden Depths

There are facets of an individual's personality that each of us presents to the world, yet there is a depth to everyone that remains largely unknown. I am beginning to understand that the inner dialogues, the pain, and heartache, and the barriers built over the years, all constitute a darker side that lingers in the shadows.

Ironically, the small portion we do reveal often seeks to be seen, understood, and loved. However, paradoxically, this very aspect of our nature that we expose is often what pushes others away.


Reflecting on the impending demolition of a building that played a pivotal role in my youth, I recently revisited the LaGrande Opera House, where I spent countless hours exploring. Constructed in 1911, this historic building has undergone numerous transformations, yet traces of its past persist through each change. For many, the significance might be elusive, but to me, this single image of the uppermost ceiling symbolizes its enduring legacy.

Here, the original craftsmanship is visible alongside later renovations, even as the structure's integrity shows signs of decline. Its original name, a French term meaning "the great," resonates deeply, evoking the joy my grandfather experienced when he first became part of its history. These memories linger in my heart, subtly capturing the essence of the opera house in its quiet grandeur.


There is something hauntingly elegant about vultures circling in the sky. While these birds may not traditionally be seen as beautiful when scavenging on the ground, their grace becomes undeniable as they glide effortlessly around the mountain. Observing them slice through the air, I was struck by their majestic presence. This experience prompted me to reflect on the importance of seeking the good in others—appreciating their strengths and their passion for what they love, rather than dwelling on aspects that may initially seem unappealing.

Perhaps the vulture can serve as a reminder to see the beauty in everyone and focus on shared bonds instead of points of disagreement or repulsion. By choosing to celebrate what unites us, we can foster a greater understanding and help create a more connected world. Let us take inspiration from the skies, where vultures soar with such poise and purpose, reminding us that there is grace to be found in the most unexpected places.

The Promise

There is something profoundly special about a promise fulfilled. Seeing a distant rainbow arching majestically over an old telephone pole, which strikingly resembled a cross, invoked reflections on not only the promise of a brighter future but also the essential need for forgiveness, even on the darkest of days.

Even when I find myself wandering through the deepest, darkest valleys, the sight of this cross, illuminated against the distant horizon, fills my heart and soul with a profound sense of joy, hope, and deep gratitude.

Educational Ruin

There is something unusual accompanying aging. For me, as the years have unfolded, a profound education has emerged—one that transcends the confines of any room. This learning journey propels us forward and simultaneously draws our gaze backward.

In such introspection, we discern the follies, the naivety, and the youthful errors. It feels as though the very school I attend is continually collapsing in upon itself as my understanding deepens. Yet, the desire to keep learning, to keep pushing onward, remains undiminished.

Scars Before Me

Walking along the fractured riverbed, I observed the deep lines etched into the hardened sand, stark reminders of resilience in the face of adversity. As I traced these natural scars with my eyes, I thought about my own deep-seated fractures, ever threatening to breach the fortified walls of my psychological armor.

Yet, instead of allowing these breaks to undermine my strength, I have learned to harness their transformative power. Just as the riverbed captures and holds life-giving water during a rainstorm, transforming scarcity into abundance, my own fissures have become reservoirs filled with invaluable life lessons. These lessons, gathered from each crack and crevice, help propel me forward, turning vulnerability into a source of relentless strength.

Under Lacoca Falls

From a distance, La Coca Falls masquerades as smooth rock, but standing beneath it reveals a captivating, contrasting perspective. Water cascades over what is, in reality, sharp, jagged rock, tracing the entire eighty-six-foot drop.

This striking scene reminds me of the masks people often wear; from afar, they may seem perfectly composed, as if they have it "all together." Yet, as you draw closer and truly get to know them, the facade gradually fades, revealing the jagged edges shaped by past damage and pain—a poignant reminder of the hidden depths within us all.

Ascending Sun

As the sun ascends through the grasping limbs of shadow, darkness clings desperately to the remnants of night. Yet, inevitably, the sun will soar, surpassing even the deepest shadows, regardless of their fierce battle against the light. All one must do is endure the night. This eternal dance mirrors the struggles within us, where the darkest thoughts strive to overshadow our inner light. But just as the dawn overcomes the night, our resilience can guide us through the depths of depression.

With each new sunrise, hope rekindles, reminding us that darkness is only a precursor to light.


There is nothing quite like being deep in the countryside, feeling the morning dew beneath your feet as the sun begins its gentle ascent. The horizon glows with the first light of dawn, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold. You stand still, savoring the tranquility, when a subtle rustle catches your attention.

Glancing over your shoulder, you find yourself being quietly observed by the curious eyes of a deer, its presence adding to the enchantment of the moment. The world feels still, the countryside whispering its ancient secrets, and for a fleeting instant, you are part of its timeless beauty.

Changing Lenses

It's fascinating to observe how our mindset can transform everyday annoyances into captivating experiences. In this unique space, people eagerly gather, inviting pigeons to land on their arms and trust them—a stark contrast to just a few feet away, where these same birds are often unwelcome.

This shift in perspective highlights the beauty and intrigue that can emerge when we approach life with an open and positive attitude.

Finding Peace

Cycling is a source of healing for me. My early morning rides begin in darkness, the day breaking as I engage deeply in meditation and prayer. There's a magical quality to finding a rhythm, experiencing the calm as I slice through the air, engaged in heartfelt conversation with the divine.

In these solitary moments, the pain from heartbreak, stress, depression, and anguish momentarily subsides. As my legs pulse with effort, these distractions also temporarily fade into the background.

Pools of Reflection

I have rarely felt a true sense of belonging. Throughout my life, I've often resembled a ghost—half-seen, frequently misunderstood. Even my attempts to share these feelings are swiftly dismissed, treated as inconsequential. I've learned to inhabit a world with which I share little in common. From my vantage point, it often feels as though I am merely a spectator, observing life as it unfolds around me.

My perspective resembles that of a reflection in a pool of water—visible, yet somehow utterly detached. Despite my efforts, I feel as though I belong nowhere.

Intentional Precision

While photographing the Thunderbirds in flight yesterday, I was struck by the remarkable capabilities of humanity. In this captured image, the planes are flying a mere 18 inches apart, nearly reaching the speed of sound at approximately 500 miles per hour.

This display of precision and unity led me to reflect on what we, as a collective, can achieve when we truly collaborate and focus our efforts, rather than squandering our potential on trivial disagreements.

K'iyh Niign

I wanted to capture the essence of my experience here in a way that resonates deeply with the spirit of this place. To do this, I chose to use a phrase from one of the indigenous languages of Alaska.

The term "K'iyh Niign" translates to "calm water," perfectly resonating with the serene and tranquil beauty that surrounded me. This expression not only highlights the physical calmness of the waters here but also mirrors the peace and quietude that infused the air.

It’s a reminder of the deep connection between the land and its original stewards, whose insights into nature continue to inspire.

Unpredictable Nature

During my photoshoots, the distinctive calls of wild turkeys often grace my ears, yet catching a glimpse of these elusive creatures has remained a rare occurrence. Thus, it was a truly unique experience to witness a flock of them in full sprint down the creek below.

The unexpected sight added a vivid, lively layer to the day's adventure, reminding me of the unpredictable beauty that nature always holds in store.


Spring is a captivating season, marked by a blend of destruction and renewal. It embodies nature's process of clearing away the old to pave the way for new growth and vitality. For me, this serves as an apt metaphor for personal rejuvenation.

It's a time for dissecting the unhealthy aspects of my life that act as barriers, setting them aside, and nurturing the growth of what is beneficial.


Exploring the landscape from a unique vantage point opens our eyes to the vast world around us. Often engrossed in our immediate surroundings, we tend to focus inward, but stepping back allows us to see ourselves as part of a dynamic, larger world.

This shift in perspective is vital, fostering a broader understanding and reinforcing our connection to the wider world. It's important to occasionally adopt a bird's-eye view, revealing the rich tapestry of life beyond our personal experiences.

Drawing with Light

The term 'photography' literally translates to 'drawing with light.' By employing intentional camera movement while waiting in line at Disney World, that is precisely what I have worked toward with this image. I acknowledge that it deviates significantly from my usual work. However, venturing beyond one's 'normal' can be beneficial.

Embracing new experiences is worthwhile; even if the outcome isn't as expected, there's nothing lost and potentially something valuable gained.

This approach not only diversifies one's skill set but also enriches our understanding and appreciation of the intricate relationship between art, mental health, and the profound depths of the world around us.


Gazing at long-abandoned dwellings offers a glimpse into a long forgotten past, akin to peering through a hazy window. These silent, forsaken structures echo the uncharted depths of my own soul.

Like these homes, my thoughts often drift in uncertainty. However, as each home has its unique story, so do each of us. Exploring these relics has taught me the importance of understanding my inner self, and listening to the tales of those around me.

Within us all is a rich history, a tapestry of experiences shaping us. Embracing our mental landscape reveals a path of clarity and hope amidst confusion.

Cherishing and caring for our mental well-being is crucial. It's the foundation for building our lives, guiding us like a compass. Our mental health shapes our journey, illuminating our path to hope.

Sacred Portal

In the midst of our bustling lives, it's a simple truth we often overlook: life is brimming with blessings, waiting to be acknowledged. Around every corner, in every moment, beauty unfurls its petals if only we pause to witness. This truth, gentle yet profound, invites us to open our eyes, our minds, and our hearts. It reminds us that amidst the whirlwind of our daily routines, serenity and wonder are never far away.

So, let us take a moment to breathe, to observe, and to appreciate. In doing so, we nurture our mental health and well-being, embracing the world's wonders with the wide-eyed wonder of a child. Remember, the world's beauty is a gift, ever-present and waiting, just for us to see.

Last Glimpse

Another old community is slowly fading away. I know this old building was leaning toward an irreparable phase, but it always makes me a little sad to see them disappear. While it's no longer there, I'm glad I was able to photograph its unique corner design before demolition. It was a dreary, foggy morning with occasional rain showers. I managed to take this photograph just as the sun briefly broke through the gray sky. I really liked how the sun's rays highlighted the red bricks, giving them a warm glow.

Distracted, Engrossed

Often prompted to photograph people and seldom having photos of myself, I approached this self-portrait with a touch of tongue-in-cheek sarcasm.

The four mirrors opposite this window intriguingly distorted the image, adding a unique layer to the portrait. I further experimented with a longer exposure, employing intentional camera movement (ICM) to capture the primary reflection.

Ultimately, this portrait is a true representation of how I see myself: often distracted and engrossed in projects, feeling simultaneously pulled in multiple directions as my inner thoughts create a whirlwind of emotions. Yet, amidst this chaos, I invariably find my way back to a sense of foundation and stability.

First Sunrise

This image stands out as one of my earliest captures. I first glimpsed this mesmerizing scene during an early morning bike ride in Texas. Compelled by its beauty, I borrowed a camera from my children the following morning and returned before sunrise to photograph it. This spot has since become one of my most cherished locations.

I must concede, the settings I initially used were far from ideal. My skills in photography have significantly improved since then, and I often consider revisiting this scene for a reshoot. However, the emotional value of this particular photograph, marking the moment I wholeheartedly embraced photography, renders it irreplaceably special to me.

This photograph also holds the distinction of being the album cover for my instrumental band, 'Locutus Doulos', featured on our EP 'Eastertide'.


This image intrigued me; it wasn’t exactly the 'best of the day,' but it offered something more than a mere photograph. My mind was overrun with worries about loss and guilt for not cherishing past moments enough. However, just a few steps into this scene, and I felt reset.

I admit that I can easily succumb to the extremes of isolation. Yet, there are times when the art of true solitude is necessary. These are the moments when you step away from the world's noise, the petty bickering of the day, and the triviality of current events which, in the grand scheme, are meaningless. As someone who leans towards introversion, these breaks from people and their dramas are crucial. Without them, I can easily spiral into darkness. However, taking a few moments to immerse myself in nature's stillness offers an indescribable sense of peace.

Preparing for Rest

Why do I love nature photography? Because of moments like this. The last of the cool greens of summer blend into the warm yellow-orange autumn colors can be a stunning mix. It's interesting to me that as the trees are at their most beautiful, they are also in a state of shutting down, preparing for a period of hibernation.

While the limbs above begin to drop their leaves though, the roots below beginning to push deep, stabilizing and re-enforcing the trees foundation. As happens often, this set my mind down a path.

In The Moment

Discovering peace, in all corners of the world, is an attainable goal for everyone, provided they possess the willingness to perceive the beauty that surrounds them. This concept echoes the wisdom of Marcus Aurelius, who once advised, 'Gift yourself the present moment.'

This philosophy suggests that even in the most unassuming locations, one can be unexpectedly rewarded with awe-inspiring natural phenomena, such as breathtaking sunrises. Such experiences serve to remind us that serenity and beauty are not confined to specific places; they can be found wherever one chooses to look.

Less Traveled

Recently, I ventured on a trail less traveled right after a storm had passed. The ensuing drama was breathtaking - radiant beams of sunlight choreographing a dance amidst the trees.

As they caressed the dew-drenched fence, it sparked like a necklace of diamonds, a sight imprinted on my soul. A beautiful reminder that even after the stormiest times, brightness prevails.

Soft Moments

This image was intended to capture the softness of the moment as I made my way through this wooded area. The only sound were the birds singing their morning song and the leaves gently shifting under a light breeze.

There are few things that can bring us to reset our mind like a moment in silence. These brief moments of escape are so needed, yet sadly the most neglected.

As Life

Work as a professional editor, expanding on checking spelling, grammar, and polishing flow “Strolling Seattle's streets, each step changed the reflections on buildings, ever-shifting and new.

Just like in life, when shadows fall and paths seem blocked, remember: with every step forward, the view transforms. Keep moving, and watch the world change before your eyes.”

Sands of Change

The Red River near me presents a fascinating landscape. Each storm brings transformative shifts; every surge not only alters the riverbed but also buries its preceding form. In this ever-changing terrain, much like the shifting sands of the Red River, yesterday's failures do not dictate today's possibilities.

Frossen Lasset

The striking contrast in the layers overlooking the ancient glacier was truly captivating. The surreal, vibrant blues set against the jutting ice formations created a scene of intense surrealism. I only wish I could have spent more time there.


The imagination can run wild when you come across a find like this.

The origins of this old, abandoned diner, and its history, are unclear. Yet, its haunting and melancholic nature has always drawn me in.

At one time, this place was special to someone, possibly a cherished legacy, now left behind and forgotten.

Lost Stones

Exploring the heart of Texas panhandle, one discovers beauty in the most unexpected places. On a quest to encounter wildlife, I stumbled upon a hidden, forgotten cemetery.

Amidst the wildflowers, scattered tombstones tell silent stories, a testament to lives once lived. Though time has passed and the stones have weathered, there's a profound serenity here. It's a gentle reminder of our shared journey, a space where nature and memories intertwine.

In this tranquil field, I find solace and a deep connection to the past. The families may have moved on, but their love and legacy remain, etched in stone and cradled by the earth. It's a poignant, beautiful reminder to cherish every moment and hold our loved ones close.

Darkest Nights

Every time I witness a brewing storm, it's like a mirror reflecting the challenges I've faced in life. Yet just as every storm runs its course and eventually gives way to clear skies, so too do our personal battles find resolution.

Remember, after the darkest nights, dawn always breaks. Embrace the journey and trust in the promise of better days. Your strength is greater than any storm.

Need A Lift

Watching these two reminded me of the times when, even though I was capable of overcoming challenges, I needed a bit of support.

There are moments when you just need someone to carry you, even if you both know you can never repay the gesture.